The Determinants of customers' lunch experiences
The aim of this study is to recognize the factors which effect to the lunch customers’ experience. Successful customer experiences are the base for a successful business. According to the Five Aspects Meal Model (FAMM) developed by Gustafsson (2006) the restaurant customers’ experience consists of the experience of the product, room, meeting, atmosphere and management system. The atmosphere is a result of the other four aspects. In the case study, three focus working people groups ate lunch twice in two different lunch restaurants. Between the first lunch and the second one micro-architectural changes were made e.g., colours, soundscape, lunch table, trays, napkins, plates, and runners. After the second day, the focus groups were interviewed and the interviews were transcribed. The results show that: the food itself, high quality service and room factors are the most important elements for a successful lunch experience. A good lunch is expected to be tasty and taste like self-prepared food. A good lunch should include a wide variety of high-quality salads. The room and environment should be clean and have good lighting. Every group emphasized the importance of interactions with employees. The practical implications of the customer’s experience are discussed, and some suggestions for the restaurant businesses and for the future academic research are given.
Copyright (c) 2019 Hanne Ala-Harja, Tuija Pitkäkoski, Inari Aaltojärvi

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