Restaurant Industry Minimum Wages: A Comparative Analysis

  • Thomas Maier USF
Keywords: Restaurants, Minimum wage, City-State level analysis


This study measured the relationship of minimum wage to mean hourly front of house and mean hourly back of house commercial restaurant worker wages across city and state levels. The exploratory analysis evaluated mean hourly wages for both front of house and back of house job categories from 2004-2018. Additionally, the study examined whether the gap in mean hourly front of house and mean hourly back of house wages narrowed or expanded over the same period of time. Specifically, the study explored if there were any differences in mean hourly wages for front of house and back of house commercial restaurant workers and the degree which that difference deviated from minimum wage increases. The results of this study suggested minimum wage legislation affects FOH/BOH commercial restaurant workers in different ways. Furthermore, the degree to which mean wages were affected varied across these two job category classifications across city and state levels.

How to Cite
Maier, T. (2021). Restaurant Industry Minimum Wages: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Hospitality, 3(2), 49-64. Retrieved from