Host communities’ perceptions of support, attachment, emotions, and trust for a mega-event: An empirical investigation of demographic influence

  • Bishnu Sharma USC Business School, USC
  • Dogan Gursoy Washington State University, College of Business School of Hospitality
Keywords: Demographic difference, Trust, Emotions, Attachment, Support


This study investigates the demographic influence in host communities’ perceptions of positive and negative emotions, trust in the government in organising the event, trust in the organising committee in organising the event, their level of attachment and support for the FIFA World Cup held in Brazil in 2014. The data for this study was collected from 12 cities in Brazil which were involved in hosting the World Cup games using a survey approach. Demographic variables used were gender, city of residence, age category, numbers of years lived in a city, marital status, occupation, education, income and ethnicity. The study found significant differences in their perceptions by the city of their residence. Significant differences were also noted in the negative emotions by all the demographic variables considered in this study. However, not all of them were significant for their level of trust, support and attachment to the event.

How to Cite
Sharma, B., & Gursoy, D. (2019). Host communities’ perceptions of support, attachment, emotions, and trust for a mega-event: An empirical investigation of demographic influence. Journal of Tourism Quarterly , 1(1-2), 31-42. Retrieved from